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From Sunday 22 September 2024 to Wednesday 02 October 2024         (Terminée)

photographie @Sasha Mongin - avec l'aimable autorisation de l'artiste


Dans les coulisses de la Paris Fashion Week

Sasha Mongin

Finalist for the Prix Picto de la Mode in June 2024 Sasha Mongin offers us this winning series shot backstage at Paris Fashion Weeks over the past two seasons 2023 and 2024.

"Backstage at a fashion show is a very special place. It's a hive of excitement and stress after weeks of preparation, culminating in a highly symbolic moment: the catwalk, the unveiling of an artist's creations to the world. The emotions are palpable, right down to the skin."

In keeping with the dreamlike world we discovered in her two series Mythes and Ecrins during the Nouvelles Masculinités exhibition in October 2023 at Galerie M, Sasha Mongin has chosen to mask the distinctive elements of backstage and its less-than-aesthetic decorum for this series, exploring the boundaries between reality and the fashion imagination. This dream-like portrayal of these tense moments highlights the intensity of the models' emotions just before they take to the stage.

The designers who have allowed her to appear in the background of their shows are :
Louis-Gabriel Nouchi, Alphonse Maitrepierre, Victor de Weinsanto, Cho Cheng, Ruo Han, Benjamin Benmoyal and, of course, Sara Chraibi, who is pleased and honored to lend some of her creations to the exhibition.

Read her biography

Opening on Sunday 22 September 20241
117h à 22h

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